The Story Behind The Food
Here at the farm, we believe that the food we grow, the soil we grow it in, and the environment in which it is grown are all of equal importance. This means that we use no-till techniques and no pesticides so we can create the most biodiverse environment we know how to.
For years we have been sharing our garden wealth with neighbors and friends. We have decided to take it to another level, a level that reaches out to those outside our circle. Those that want to know the story behind their food. By increasing our land usage, our goals are to help people obtain THEIR goals, to take charge of where their food comes from.
Our farm consists of several garden plots and a large 50 ft caterpillar tunnel (www.tunnelvision.com) and a new addition, 100ft caterpillar tunnel (www.farmersfriend.com)
We are committed to leaving the land more fertile then it was found.
Our compost is purchased LOCALLY. And we create our own compost from our worms, rabbits, leaves…all to boost soil health to make food just taste better
Minimal tillage practices are used to ensure the healthiest of soil and preserve the many ecosystems that exist in and about the soil.
Small handscale tools are used to harvest your food
Harvested goods are turned around within 48 hours…to keep it FRESH!
We continue to educate ourselves by using resources available to us on the Penn State University. We have taken free seminars to increase our knowledge about our soil and environment.